Halpin partnered with Bournemouth University to carry out a comprehensive review to deliver an understanding of the student experience, with a particular focus on factors that may have an impact on the continuation of study.
Our review found several key areas that Bournemouth could seek to develop in order to address and improve the student experience, alongside building on good practice already occurring within the institution. These areas touched aspects of the student experience across the entire institution, from leadership and governance to facilities. Our work suggested that a focus on enhancing internal cultural and experience measures at local levels would positively affect institutional evaluation processes and the student experience more generally.
Our work included:
- a desk review of policies, data, feedback and other relevant documentation
- interviews with 22 members of University and Students’ Union staff
- two student focus groups
- consideration of external sector guidance, research and practice.
- Direction given to the Bournemouth University Board for a roadmap for developments
- Review of current practice and experience
- A total of 3 priority recommendations, 17 recommendations and 15 suggestions
- Specific recommendations regarding strategy, metrics and KPIs