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Swansea University

Case Study
Staff Race Consultation

In Spring 2022 Halpin was commissioned by Swansea University to carry out research into the experiences of staff at the University, particularly in relation to race and ethnicity. This was in parallel to a separate project researching the student experience.

Swansea University, alongside other Welsh higher education providers, took part in an Advance HE programme from February to August 2021, funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, to develop race equality action plans. Swansea’s Race Equality Action Plan 2021–24 recognises that ‘structural, system, and everyday racism are present in UK society’. The plan aims to ‘achieve zero tolerance of racism by 2024’.

The purpose of the staff consultation is to ensure that the Race Equality Action Plan responds to staff needs. Our task allowed for:

  • various accessible ways for all staff to share their experiences relating to race and racism
  • a platform to elevate the voices of UK minority ethnic staff and those from overseas
  • an opportunity for staff to speak anonymously to external independent experts, to objectively assess the current landscape at Swansea, and to provide an accurate reflection of the areas of focus for improvement and the potential solutions to enhance the staff experience.


  • All-staff anonymous surveys (in English and Welsh) to collect quantitative and qualitative data
  • Focus groups and semi-structured interviews to explore issues qualitatively and allow for ethnic minority staff experiences to be captured and heard
  • Interview with the institutional lead for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Detailed research and analysis on data, documents and materials supplied to us
  • Recommendations to support the University’s racial equity work