EDI Policy
Policy Scope
This policy applies to all current employees, sub-contractors (which in this policy refers to Consulting Fellows and Senior Advisors) and suppliers working on a paid or voluntary basis with or for Halpin Partnership Limited (Halpin).
It covers discrimination on the basis of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and/or belief, sexual orientation as set out in the Equality Act (2010).
Policy Statement
Halpin recognises that valuing diversity, providing equality of opportunity, and promoting a culture of inclusion is vital to our business. We want to attract and retain employees and sub-contractors from a range of backgrounds, experiences, and cultures.
By creating a working environment in which individuals can use their skills and talents to the full without fear of prejudice or harassment, we aim to create a culture where everyone can reach their potential and deliver high quality work.
Our goal is to be a company where people can be free to be themselves no matter what their identity or background.
We will ensure that equality is embedded in all of our activities, policies and decisions and will work with our partners and clients to share and promote good practice.
Policy Commitment
Equality is at the heart of the Halpin manifesto which sets out our values and goals. Our aim is to make full use of people’s talents and skills for our business and our clients by creating an open and inclusive workplace culture where people from all backgrounds can work together with dignity and respect.
We will take active steps to fulfil our responsibilities and promote good practice by:
- Complying with legal obligations in an open manner.
- Developing and publishing Halpin EDI Action Plan and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion into the company planning process for future growth.
- Publishing this policy widely amongst employees, sub-contractors and suppliers and begin equality analysis and monitoring.
- Assessing the impact of our policies and practices to identify, remove or mitigate any disadvantage to underrepresented groups.
- Taking action to redress any gender, racial or other imbalance including monitoring the recruitment and progress of all employees and sub-contractors, collecting and collating equalities information and data and publishing this as required, and acting on any inequality revealed by the data.
- Promoting awareness and understanding of EDI matters among employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and clients through policies, training, guidance, research and campaigns.
- Engaging with employees and sub-contractors in respect of changes which may affect their work.
- Ensuring that existing employees and sub-contractors, as well as applicants, are treated fairly and judged solely on merit and by reference to their skills and abilities when assigned to projects (internal and external).
- Raising awareness of our policies and commitment to EDI with suppliers, clients and partners and encouraging them to follow similar good practice.
- Ensuring the Halpin workplace (physical and virtual) is, as far as reasonably possible, welcoming and accessible to all.
- Making sure reasonable adjustments are made, as appropriate, to enable disabled employees and sub-contractors to overcome barriers in the working environment.
- Ensuring employees and sub-contractors are provided with appropriate channels and training so that they feel confident to discuss EDI issues and raise any concerns.
- Dealing with potential and actual acts of discrimination, harassment and bullying appropriately under relevant Halpin policy and taking appropriate action where necessary.
- All employees and sub-contractors have a responsibility to promote and actively embody the EDI values as outlined in this policy and associated action plan.
- The Board of Directors have ultimate responsibility for ensuring that this policy and associated action plan are fully implemented.
- The CEOs and Director of Operations, supported by the Head of Marketing and Communications, are responsible for leading the implementation of the policy and action plan in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion for both employees and sub-contractors.
- All employees and sub-contractors are required to review this policy and take part in EDI training as appropriate to their role with new employees required to take EDI training as part of their induction.
Policy Implementation and Monitoring
We will assess the implementation and impact of this policy by monitoring as follows:
- Create and publish an EDI action plan that includes a clear timeline, owners and process for review.
- Collect and analyse data on employees and sub-contractors with regard to recruitment, training, general comments and complaints and report this information bi-annually to the Halpin Board.
- Appoint, on or before December 2020, an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group to have overall responsibility for the coordination, support and delivery of our EDI policy, processes and client work.
- Share the remit of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group and encourage all to employees and sub-contractors to share their experiences, insights and feedback to help improve Halpin policy and processes.
- To further our learning and development around EDI, we will consult widely with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group, diversity networks, and other HE and non-profit stakeholders.
- Review this policy on an annual basis to ensure that it reflects our learning, best practice and current legislation.
Complaints and Reporting Procedure related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Halpin expects all members of its community to treat others fairly, with dignity and respect. Any Halpin employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and clients who believe they have been discriminated against, harassed or bullied have the right to make a complaint free from victimisation or fear of retaliation.
When reporting an incident, the matter can be raised informally in the first instance with a member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group who can provide support and advice.
Complaints and reporting can be made to any Halpin employee who will action using the following procedures, as appropriate:
- Complaints Procedure (Employee and Sub-Contractor)
- Complaints Procedure (Client and Supplier)
- Grievance Procedure
We aim to support and protect anyone who makes a complaint, or who acts as a witness, under these procedures from victimisation or retaliation.
We will consult widely to determine the most appropriate process for a SME to adopt that enables our employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and clients to make a complaint and/or report experiences relating to EDI without fear of retaliation or intimidation – this may include providing an anonymous form for reporting online.
For further information on our policy and plans or to share your comments please contact:
Susie Hills, Joint CEO
susie@halpinpartnership.com | 07816 072696
Charlotte Stewart, Director of Operations
charlotte@halpinpartnership.com | 07739 092022
General Enquiries
info@halpinpartnership.com | 0203 930 83