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Halpin announces Consulting Fellow Bob Rabone

Halpin announces Consulting Fellow Bob Rabone

Halpin Partnership, a management consultancy specialising in higher education, is pleased to welcome Bob Rabone to its growing team of Consulting Fellows.
Why can we ‘plan and do’ but not review?

Why can we ‘plan and do’ but not review?

It intrigues me that most organisations have formal systematic processes in place for planning and building budgets, but fewer have similarly systematic processes which enable them to review their plans, assess the impact of their work and re-shape budgets accordingly.
25 years in international Higher Education. What’s changed?

25 years in international Higher Education. What’s changed?

This article highlights three key changes – one at individual/operational unit level, one at organisational level and one at national/international level – and speculate briefly on what the future looks like. Observations are based mainly on the UK context, but some elements may resonate in other parts of the world.
For #IWD2019, let’s start with watching our words

For #IWD2019, let’s start with watching our words

The headline that “More FTSE 100 CEOs are called John than are women’ is certainly a striking one. A quick tally of UK university VCs tells us that it is not quite as bad in the higher education sector. (You’d need to include the Davids, Stephens, Stuarts, Nigels, Pauls, Peters AND Johns to beat the 25% of female leaders, which is still quite shocking but doesn’t quite have the same impact as the first headline).
Building a University for Life

Building a University for Life

“The idea that you will be able at 18 to study something and three years later you’ll have everything you need to take you through until you’re 75 is fanciful. If it ever were true it’s certainly not true now.”
Disrupting the Case for Support

Disrupting the Case for Support

A great fundraising campaign deserves a fabulous Case for Support. This is your chance to sell your story and inspire potential donors. It requires a careful blend of emotive, persuasive language with key facts and figures. Whether you're starting from scratch or partway through, Halpin's management consultants can help you develop a resonant Case.
Brexit + Trump = Time for Turbo-Charged Alumni Relations

Brexit + Trump = Time for Turbo-Charged Alumni Relations

Investment in alumni relations is timelier and more important than ever before. It really can no longer be ‘just about fundraising’. Alumni can play a vital role in uniting divided communities and helping institutions flourish in these challenging times.
Winning the dash to the UCAS deadline (and the race to the summer)

Winning the dash to the UCAS deadline (and the race to the summer)

The UCAS deadline provides an intense pressure point for marketing and admissions teams – and this year the stakes are high. Fewer 18-year-olds, intense competition, the Augar review, political uncertainty… The good news is that whilst there has to be a final dash towards the UCAS deadline, the race isn’t necessarily won or lost on that date.
Unconditional offers. How to discount your reputation.

Unconditional offers. How to discount your reputation.

The news from UCAS that over a third of students in England, Wales & Northern Ireland received an unconditional offer in the last cycle reminds us how many universities are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Value for money in HE – denial is not an option

Value for money in HE – denial is not an option

The recent report by the House of Commons Education Committee ‘Value for money in higher education’ offers vital insight into the prevailing winds in HE, and how the concept of value for money for students is going to shape universities over the coming years. So what is the report signalling, and what should universities be doing right now?
Part 2: One in 5 British Universities is slowly dying. These five steps might just save them.

Part 2: One in 5 British Universities is slowly dying. These five steps might just save them.

Successful universities in the post-92 group have developed a strong sense of mission and identity. They realise that we are all living in a world which is very different to that of a decade ago. A world where at least in the short to medium term, supply exceeds demand. And a much more competitive world where only the fittest will survive.
Part 1: One in five British Universities is slowly dying. And it’s entirely reversible.

Part 1: One in five British Universities is slowly dying. And it’s entirely reversible.

More than 20% of British Universities are slowly dying. They are post-92 institutions who have seen their recruitment numbers fall every year since 2011. And to read the Guardian and the Times Higher, you’d think this was due to factors beyond their control.