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Questions governors should be exploring – a digest.

by Susie Hills | Jun 14, 2019 | Governance & Policy

Many university governing bodies and their committees will be meeting over the coming weeks for the final governance meetings of the 2018/19 academic year. The Augar review and Brexit will be key features of these meetings. For lay governors digesting the sheer volume of information available, understanding the implications for their particular institution and knowing what questions to ask will be key. Here is a digest of some of the key questions governors should be asking and links to great sources of information on those topics. What are the main implications of Augar?

Are we financially sustainable? Are we in too much debt?

Are our UK student number targets realistic?

Are our International student number targets realistic?

Is our marketing strategy right?

What is our position on unconditional offers?

Are we managing the expectations of our students?

Should we review our course offering?

Are we geared up for when student numbers rise?

Can we raise more money through fundraising?

Should we be doing more on alumni relations?

Are we doing enough on sustainability? Should we be declaring a climate emergency?

Is there more we can do with our local FE providers?

Are we doing enough to protect the wellbeing of our students?

Are we doing enough to retain our staff?

Are we offering value for money?

What are the implications of a no-deal Brexit?

What would the implications of a labour government be?

Are we doing enough to address equality and diversity issues?

Are we doing enough for our BAME students?

Do we need to review our governance?

What does our league table performance tell us about our institution?

How can we think longer term? How can we identify opportunities and risks?

Do we have a culture of review?

Are our remuneration policies robust?

Are we tackling pay gaps?

We hope this digest is helpful. The Halpin team is available to explore these questions and many more. We are known for our work with governing bodies and senior leadership to review areas of university activity and offer practical recommendations to step change performance and put in place best practice. This includes:

  • Governance
  • Strategy and performance
  • Staffing and structures
  • Equality and diversity
  • Marketing
  • Admissions
  • Fundraising
  • Alumni relations

Susie Hills is Joint CEO of Halpin.