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Case for Support

Effective Case for Support

Whether in or out of a campaign, developing your Case for Support is vital for effective fundraising.

The Halpin team advise clients that the aim should not be a single glossy document but rather a ‘source book’ for a variety of fundraising uses – from website and social media to major gifts and trusts, regular giving and legacies.

In fact, we prefer to call it a “Case Toolkit” rather than simply a Case for Support. Our process for the Case Toolkit aims to develop, test and build consensus as to your institution’s unique strengths and impact, your fundraising priorities, the values that will guide your fundraising and how philanthropy can help you to achieve your goals.

Our goal will be to work with you to develop a Case that will not only give you a solid base for fundraising communications but will also help to increase understanding of philanthropy at your institution.

“University College is undertaking its largest capital project in over 300 years. This £61 million development will create an entire community.

Halpin drafted the first Case for Support to help move the fundraising for this transformational project forward. This copywriting was important for getting internal agreement on the messaging and has proven popular with both potential donors and stakeholders. Halpin were easy to work with and responsive.”

Gordon Cox, Development Director & Fellow, University College Oxford

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