Kea has 25 years’ of senior-level experience working across the higher education, health and charity sectors. She is skilled in problem-solving, managing change and building collaborative relationships.
Recent projects include:
- drafting a business plan for the establishment of a transnational partnership, including scoping all governance and due diligence requirements. This met the Singaporean Government’s extremely stringent education guidelines and enabled the university to offer its first degree-level programme to be taught entirely outside of the UK (for SOAS University of London);
- developing guidance on how to accommodate religious requirements of students within the medical and healthcare fields. This was subsequently adopted by the Medical Schools Council on behalf of all Medical Schools, and was commended by NHS England (for St Georges University of London);
- reviewing current governance and audit practice against the Committee of University Chairs’ Higher Education Codes and making recommendations for change (for Newman University).
She is also a trained risk assessor of Domestic Abuse, Stalking & Honour Based Violence, and working in partnership with the Foreign Office and the Metropolitan Police, dealt with many such cases in Higher Education.
Kea has advised on ‘live’ ethical dilemmas for an NHS Hospital as a member of the Clinical Ethics Committee. She has overseen the delivery of national services for a variety of health-based charities related to cancer, HIV and stillbirth. She has an MA in Human Rights from Birkbeck University.